About Us

In the realm of complementary and allopathic medicine and allied health professions, the term "holistic" is commonly understood to denote an approach that encompasses the whole treatment of an individual, including not only the physical symptoms of an ailment but also taking into consideration mental and social elements. In recent decades, several definitions have been put out from a health standpoint, with a particular emphasis on the Oxford definition: “characterized by the treatment of the whole person, taking into account mental and social factors, rather than just the symptoms of an illness.

Alternative or complementary therapies are frequently seen as inherently holistic in nature.
Nevertheless, the diagnostic and treatment procedures employed often fail to incorporate a comprehensive perspective on the overall well-being of the patient.
In the most favourable scenario, these procedures are confined to brief evaluations of social and mental aspects. This can be attributed in part to the lack of understanding or consideration of social, epigenetic and psychological factors that influence health within the context of diagnosis and treatment.

We, at the Humani Well Education Academy strongly believe today’s holistic approaches are in need of a broader, substantiated scientific basis and with the focus of the patient taking back control of its own health.
Already in 1980, Berliner and Salmon stated “The positive health orientation of holistic therapy has two separate components. The first is the perception of health as a value in and of itself; the second is the notion of health as a praxis-the active participation of the individual in the ongoing maintenance of his/her own health….The separation of mind and body has long been a philosophical issue in Western thought, and the elimination or downplaying of the mind as a component of the disease process has been considered one of the cardinal successes of scientific medicine.”

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Many holistic approaches today still emphasise reliance on health professionals. Nevertheless, possessing an internal locus of control is a crucial factor in achieving improved health, well-being, and longevity. It is our contention that a holistic practitioner should assume the role of a lifelong mentor for patients, recognising and addressing all facets of wellbeing.

The Humani-Well Education Academy offers a comprehensive educational programme aimed at fostering a lifelong dedication to patients' well-being and serving as their primary source of guidance towards achieving optimal health.
You receive support from a team of lecturers that possess unique experiences and perspectives, representing many regions throughout the world. All of these initiatives are centred around the implementation of a complete strategy to integrating holistic science within a growing transition away from the conventional, limited, allopathic therapeutic paradigms.

In order to achieve the utmost level of educational excellence, our institution recruits faculty from various geographical locations, employing a rigorous selection process that emphasises their professional and academic qualifications.
The lecturers possess a strong foundation in scientific research and demonstrate pedagogical proficiency at the academic level. Furthermore, their objective is to establish a network of professionally qualified holistic professionals who can actively contribute to a crucial transformation in global healthcare.